Today is Earth Day.
Like the saying goes, every day really should be Earth Day.
I try to teach my daughter "to honor nature's gifts" and we regularly find joy and beauty outdoors. While we live in a city, we go outside as much as possible to marvel at the little things in nature. A neat thing about toddlers is that every little thing is new. So blades of grass, birds chirping, and bark on trees are all wondrous.
I try to keep our house as green as possible. I am sure I will have many posts on green issues. We are pro-cloth diapering and are gearing up for the Great Cloth Diaper Change this weekend. But for now, I just want to marvel in the joys and beauties of the outdoors. The optimist in me truly believes, as President Carter said, that love and peace can prevail on earth. Hopefully I can do my part by living and raising a child in that way.