Yesterday my sweet baby girl boldly climbed up two steps.
She is fearless.
I am filled with fear.
One of my bigger struggles is the fear of failure.
As I watch my daughter learn and grow, I realize if I want her to be bold, strong, and determined, I must model my own behavior. I certainly do not want to (knowingly) project my own issues onto my children.
So, I am letting go of this fear of failure. I recognize in the past what I have most feared turned out to be the best parts of my life.
I have been afraid to start this blog, and live life as an artist for far too long. Instead of regret, I decided to jump into the fear. Failing is not starting. Even if only one person reads this, and if my art is only enjoyed by me, at least I will have no regret.
So thank you, dear reader, for helping me overcome my fear.